NKPG Match Up | Project Leader

Web Development Team Work Event Planning Project Management

November 2017 - February 2018

I was one of five Project Leaders for NKPG Match Up 2018, an evening for students to socialize and create contacts with different companies in the region. NKPG Match Up was sponsored by Norrköping Kommun, with the project group organizing it. I was responsible for contacting and communicating with Media Technology-related companies, and also contact with MT students. Excluding all the planning and execution made in groups, I was also responsible for maintaining our website as well as social media.

This project consisted of a small group with members from different programs, which brought in a lot of different perspectives and talents. We made sure that everyone had responsibilities that matched their knowledge but also learned a lot from each other. Sadly, NKPG Match Up 2018 was the last year of the event, and therefore the website is not active.

I did not create the original website instead the screenshots showed are from the year I managed it.